API Challenges Progress
Unknown Challenger ID
To view your challenges status in multi-user mode, make sure you have registered as a challenger using a `POST` request to `/challenger` and are including an `X-CHALLENGER` header in all your requests.
Then view the challenges in the GUI by visiting `/gui/challenges/{GUID}`, where `{GUID}` is the value in the `X-CHALLENGER` header.
Challenger sessions are purged from the server memory after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Challenger progress is not configured to automatically save on the server. Use the GUI or UI to save progress locally.Session state and current todo list can be stored to local storage, and later restored using the GUI buttons or via API.
You can find more information about this on the Multi User Help Page
Challenge Sections
- Getting Started
- First Real Challenge
- GET Challenges
- HEAD Challenges
- Creation Challenges with POST
- Creation Challenges with PUT
- Update Challenges with POST
- Update Challenges with PUT
- DELETE Challenges
- OPTIONS Challenges
- Accept Challenges
- Content-Type Challenges
- Fancy a Break? Restore your session
- Mix Accept and Content-Type Challenges
- Status Code Challenges
- HTTP Method Override Challenges
- Authentication Challenges
- Authorization Challenges
- Miscellaneous Challenges
Getting Started
If you want to track your challenge progress, in multi-user mode then you need to solve the challenges in this section to generate a unique ID that we can associate your progress with.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
01 | POST /challenger (201) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/challenger` end point, with no body, to create a new challenger session. Use the generated X-CHALLENGER header in future requests to track challenge completion. Hints
First Real Challenge
For your first challenge, get the list of challenges. You'll be able to use this to see your progress in your API Client, as well as using the GUI.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
02 | GET /challenges (200) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/challenges` end point Hints
GET Challenges
To retrieve, or read information from an API we issue GET requests. This section has a bunch of GET request challenges to try out.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
03 | GET /todos (200) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point Hints
04 | GET /todo (404) not plural | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todo` end point should 404 because nouns should be plural |
05 | GET /todos/{id} (200) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos/{id}` end point to return a specific todo Hints
06 | GET /todos/{id} (404) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos/{id}` end point for a todo that does not exist Hints
07 | GET /todos (200) ?filter | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point with a query filter to get only todos which are 'done'. There must exist both 'done' and 'not done' todos, to pass this challenge. Hints
HEAD Challenges
A HEAD request, is like a GET request, but only returns the headers and status code.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
08 | HEAD /todos (200) | false | Issue a HEAD request on the `/todos` end point |
Creation Challenges with POST
A POST request can be used to create and update data, these challenges are to 'create' data.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
09 | POST /todos (201) | false | Issue a POST request to successfully create a todo Hints
10 | POST /todos (400) doneStatus | false | Issue a POST request to create a todo but fail validation on the `doneStatus` field Hints
11 | POST /todos (400) title too long | false | Issue a POST request to create a todo but fail length validation on the `title` field because your title exceeds maximum allowable characters. Hints
12 | POST /todos (400) description too long | false | Issue a POST request to create a todo but fail length validation on the `description` because your description exceeds maximum allowable characters. Hints
13 | POST /todos (201) max out content | false | Issue a POST request to create a todo with maximum length title and description fields. Hints
14 | POST /todos (413) content too long | false | Issue a POST request to create a todo but fail payload length validation on the `description` because your whole payload exceeds maximum allowable 5000 characters. Hints
15 | POST /todos (400) extra | false | Issue a POST request to create a todo but fail validation because your payload contains an unrecognised field. Hints
Creation Challenges with PUT
A PUT request can often used to create and update data. The todo application we are using has automatically generated ids, so you cannot use PUT to create.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
16 | PUT /todos/{id} (400) | false | Issue a PUT request to unsuccessfully create a todo Hints
Update Challenges with POST
Use a POST request to amend something that already exists. These are 'partial' content updates so you usually don't need to have all details of the entity in the request, e.g. you could just update a title, or a description, or a status
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
17 | POST /todos/{id} (200) | false | Issue a POST request to successfully update a todo Hints
18 | POST /todos/{id} (404) | false | Issue a POST request for a todo which does not exist. Expect to receive a 404 response. Hints
Update Challenges with PUT
A PUT request can be used to amend data. REST Put requests are idempotent, they provide the same result each time.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
19 | PUT /todos/{id} full (200) | false | Issue a PUT request to update an existing todo with a complete payload i.e. title, description and donestatus. Hints
20 | PUT /todos/{id} partial (200) | false | Issue a PUT request to update an existing todo with just mandatory items in payload i.e. title. Hints
21 | PUT /todos/{id} no title (400) | false | Issue a PUT request to fail to update an existing todo because title is missing in payload. Hints
22 | PUT /todos/{id} no amend id (400) | false | Issue a PUT request to fail to update an existing todo because id different in payload. Hints
DELETE Challenges
Use a DELETE request to delete an entity. Since this is an extreme request, normally you have to be logged in or authenticated, but we wanted to make life easier for you so we cover authentication later. Anyone can delete To Do items without authentication in this system.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
23 | DELETE /todos/{id} (200) | false | Issue a DELETE request to successfully delete a todo Hints
OPTIONS Challenges
Use an OPTIONS verb and check the `Allow` header, this will show you what verbs are allowed to be used on an endpoint. When you test APIs it is worth checking to see if all the verbs listed are allowed or not.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
24 | OPTIONS /todos (200) | false | Issue an OPTIONS request on the `/todos` end point. You might want to manually check the 'Allow' header in the response is as expected. |
Accept Challenges
The `Accept` header, tells the server what format you want the response to be in. By changing the `Accept` header you can specify JSON or XML.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
25 | GET /todos (200) XML | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point with an `Accept` header of `application/xml` to receive results in XML format |
26 | GET /todos (200) JSON | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point with an `Accept` header of `application/json` to receive results in JSON format |
27 | GET /todos (200) ANY | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point with an `Accept` header of `*/*` to receive results in default JSON format |
28 | GET /todos (200) XML pref | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point with an `Accept` header of `application/xml, application/json` to receive results in the preferred XML format |
29 | GET /todos (200) no accept | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point with no `Accept` header present in the message to receive results in default JSON format |
30 | GET /todos (406) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/todos` end point with an `Accept` header `application/gzip` to receive 406 'NOT ACCEPTABLE' status code |
Content-Type Challenges
The `Content-Type` header, tells the server what format type your 'body' content is, e.g. are you sending XML or JSON.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
31 | POST /todos XML | false | Issue a POST request on the `/todos` end point to create a todo using Content-Type `application/xml`, and Accepting only XML ie. Accept header of `application/xml` |
32 | POST /todos JSON | false | Issue a POST request on the `/todos` end point to create a todo using Content-Type `application/json`, and Accepting only JSON ie. Accept header of `application/json` |
33 | POST /todos (415) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/todos` end point with an unsupported content type to generate a 415 status code |
Fancy a Break? Restore your session
Your challenge progress can be saved, and as long as you remember you challenger ID you can restore it. Leaving a challenger idle in the system for more than 10 minutes will remove the challenger from memory. Challenger status and the todos database can be saved to, and restored from, the browser localStorage.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
34 | GET /challenger/guid (existing X-CHALLENGER) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/challenger/{guid}` end point, with an existing challenger GUID. This will return the progress data payload that can be used to later restore your progress to this status. Hints
Solution |
35 | PUT /challenger/guid RESTORE | false | Issue a PUT request on the `/challenger/{guid}` end point, with an existing challenger GUID to restore that challenger's progress into memory. Hints
36 | PUT /challenger/guid CREATE | false | Issue a PUT request on the `/challenger/{guid}` end point, with a challenger GUID not currently in memory to restore that challenger's progress into memory. Hints
37 | GET /challenger/database/guid (200) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/challenger/database/{guid}` end point, to retrieve the current todos database for the user. You can use this to restore state later. Hints
Solution |
38 | PUT /challenger/database/guid (Update) | false | Issue a PUT request on the `/challenger/database/{guid}` end point, with a payload to restore the Todos database in memory. Hints
Mix Accept and Content-Type Challenges
We can mix the `Accept` and `Content-Type` headers so that we can send JSON but receive XML. These challenges encourage you to explore some combinations.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
39 | POST /todos XML to JSON | false | Issue a POST request on the `/todos` end point to create a todo using Content-Type `application/xml` but Accept `application/json` |
40 | POST /todos JSON to XML | false | Issue a POST request on the `/todos` end point to create a todo using Content-Type `application/json` but Accept `application/xml` |
Status Code Challenges
Status-codes are essential to understand, so we created some challenges that help you trigger more status codes. Remember to review httpstatuses.com to learn what the status codes mean.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
41 | DELETE /heartbeat (405) | false | Issue a DELETE request on the `/heartbeat` end point and receive 405 (Method Not Allowed) |
42 | PATCH /heartbeat (500) | false | Issue a PATCH request on the `/heartbeat` end point and receive 500 (internal server error) |
43 | TRACE /heartbeat (501) | false | Issue a TRACE request on the `/heartbeat` end point and receive 501 (Not Implemented) |
44 | GET /heartbeat (204) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/heartbeat` end point and receive 204 when server is running |
HTTP Method Override Challenges
Some HTTP Clients can not send all verbs e.g. PATCH, DELETE, PUT. Use an X-HTTP-Method-Override header to simulate these with a POST request
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
45 | POST /heartbeat as DELETE (405) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/heartbeat` end point and receive 405 when you override the Method Verb to a DELETE Hints
46 | POST /heartbeat as PATCH (500) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/heartbeat` end point and receive 500 when you override the Method Verb to a PATCH Hints
47 | POST /heartbeat as Trace (501) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/heartbeat` end point and receive 501 (Not Implemented) when you override the Method Verb to a TRACE Hints
Authentication Challenges
Authentication is telling the system who you are. In multi-user mode you are already doing that with the X-CHALLENGER header, but we have added an extra level of security on the /secret section. So first Authenticate with Basic Authentication to find out the token to use for authorisation for later challenges.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
48 | POST /secret/token (401) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/secret/token` end point and receive 401 when Basic auth username/password is not admin/password Hints
49 | POST /secret/token (201) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/secret/token` end point and receive 201 when Basic auth username/password is admin/password Hints
Authorization Challenges
Once the system knows who you are, authorization is if you have the correct level of access. In these challenges the authorization is granted using a custom API header X-AUTH-TOKEN or using a Bearer Authorization header.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
50 | GET /secret/note (403) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/secret/note` end point and receive 403 when X-AUTH-TOKEN does not match a valid token Hints
51 | GET /secret/note (401) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/secret/note` end point and receive 401 when no X-AUTH-TOKEN header present Hints
52 | GET /secret/note (200) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/secret/note` end point receive 200 when valid X-AUTH-TOKEN used - response body should contain the note Hints
53 | POST /secret/note (200) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/secret/note` end point with a note payload e.g. {"note":"my note"} and receive 200 when valid X-AUTH-TOKEN used. Note is maximum length 100 chars and will be truncated when stored. Hints
54 | POST /secret/note (401) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/secret/note` end point with a note payload {"note":"my note"} and receive 401 when no X-AUTH-TOKEN present Hints
55 | POST /secret/note (403) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/secret/note` end point with a note payload {"note":"my note"} and receive 403 when X-AUTH-TOKEN does not match a valid token Hints
56 | GET /secret/note (Bearer) | false | Issue a GET request on the `/secret/note` end point receive 200 when using the X-AUTH-TOKEN value as an Authorization Bearer token - response body should contain the note Hints
57 | POST /secret/note (Bearer) | false | Issue a POST request on the `/secret/note` end point with a note payload e.g. {"note":"my note"} and receive 200 when valid X-AUTH-TOKEN value used as an Authorization Bearer token. Status code 200 received. Note is maximum length 100 chars and will be truncated when stored. Hints
Miscellaneous Challenges
We left these challenges to the end because they seemed fun, but... different.
ID | Challenge | Done | Description |
58 | DELETE /todos/{id} (200) all | false | Issue a DELETE request to successfully delete the last todo in system so that there are no more todos in the system Hints
Solution |
59 | POST /todos (201) all | false | Issue as many POST requests as it takes to add the maximum number of TODOS allowed for a user. The maximum number should be listed in the documentation. Solution |