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  • What is a REST API?
  • CRUD and REST
  • HTTP Verbs - HEAD, PATCH
  • Authentication and Authorisation

What is a REST API?

  • HTTP API - generic, anything goes
    • the HTTP Verbs mean something specific e.g. should not Delete with a POST request
    • URI are 'nouns' and describe entities

A REST API is an API that conforms to the REST standards.

Many HTTP API's describe themselves as REST APIs but are inconsistent in how they interpret the standard.

When working with APIs, having an understanding of the REST API standards can provide you with a base level of expectation of how the API might work.

Often, REST API is simply used to mean HTTP API.

REST Standards?

Representational State Transfer


  • Idempotent - same request, same result (on server, not necessarily in response)
  • Stateless - server does not need to maintain state of client requests between requests e.g.
    • request 1: select these files,
    • request 2: delete files selected in previous request
  • Cacheable - on the server side e.g. GET can be cacheable until entities in GET are updated
  • Does it comply with HTTP Standard Guidance?


  • Verbs are not as simple as Create, Read, Update, Delete
CRUD Action Verb
Create POST, PUT
Read GET

Endpoints vs URL

Very often when discussing REST APIs we talk about 'endpoints'.

Basically the 'path' part of the URL.

The following are the same Endpoint

  • /lists
  • /lists?title="title"

Payloads vs Body

A Payload is the content of the body of the HTTP request.

  • XML and JSON
  • Tends not to be Form encoded
  • Request defined by content-type header
  • Response requested in accept header
  • usually unmarshalled into an object in the application

Requesting Formats

Header Means
Accept: application/json Please return JSON
Accept: application/xml Please return XML
Content-Type: application/json This payload is JSON
Content-Type: application/xml This payload is XML
  • XML might also be : text/xml
  • The server might not support a particular format it might default to JSON or XML and ignore the header


If you make a request to a server and receive a 401 then you are not authenticated.

WWW-Authenticate header should challenge you with the authentication required.

  • Generally avoid header sending by known authenticating information in request.
  • Common bug is WWW-Authenticate not sent back in response.

Common Authentication Approaches

  • Basic Auth Header
    • Authorization: Basic Ym9iOmRvYmJz
    • base 64 encoded username:password
  • Cookies
    • when 'login' server sends back a 'session cookie'
    • send 'session cookie' in future requests
  • Custom Headers
    • API secret codes
    • e.g. X-API-AUTH: thisismysecretapicode

Common Authentication Approaches

  • URL authentication
    • deprecated
    • used to be very common when automating web GUIs

Recommended reading

Authentication vs Authorization


  • Are you authenticated?
  • Does the system know who you are?
  • Are your auth details correct?


  • you are authenticated
  • do you have permission to access this endpoint?

Real World vs Standards

Teams debate this all the time.

As a Tester:

  • Refer to HTTP standards
    • headers, idempotency, response recommendations

Expect 'discussions' and 'debates' on a team.

Verb - Head

  • HEAD
  • same as GET but does not return a 'body'
  • can be useful for checking 'existence' of an endpoint or entity

Verb - Patch

Most web services just use POST or PUT

Recommended Reading
