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In addition to our API Challenges you should practice on as many sites as possible. Try SimpleAPI.

Simple API - A functional API that supports GET and Update

Simple API is a fully functional API allowing you to retrieve and update from the server.

About Simple API

Simple API is a fully functional API allowing you to retrieve and update from the server. It is suitable as an entry level practice API because it requires no authentication and there is no risk of exposing private data.

The API allows access to a store inventory item entity which has:

  • id - an auto generated number id
  • isbn - a 13 digit numeric value that must be unique
  • type e.g. cd, dvd, book, blu-ray
  • price
  • numberInStock

The API refreshes when there are a small number of records so that there is always content in the API to work with.

Only 100 items can be stored in the API at any point in time.

All of the fields of the 'item' are numeric or enum, so there is no chance of encountering any risky user generated data or to enter any personal data.

The only complexity involved is generating an ISBN that matches the format required.

There is an endpoint in the API to return a random ISBN /simpleapi/randomisbn or you can use the Button below to generate a random data value suitable for using in the API.

Two OpenAPI files are available for the API, one with validation, one without validation. These can be imported to a REST client or a Swagger UI to help you get started with the API.

The API Supports two main endpoints:

  • items
  • item

Verbs supported are:

  • GET at an /items level to see all items
  • POST at an /items level to create an item
  • GET a specific item with id e.g. /items/1
  • PUT and POST to update a specific item
  • DELETE to delete a specific item e.g. /items/1

The API is useful for getting used to creating, updating, reading and deleting entities from an API.

The API also supports both XML and JSON payloads by amending the content-type and accept headers in the request.



  • An API for JSON and XML requests and responses.
  • A simple data structure to avoid personal data
  • No Authentication required for updates
  • Update requests are supported (POST, PUT, DELETE)


I've created a set of suggested exercises in case you need some prompting for practice.

Exercise - Explore the Data in the Backend

The SimpleAPI has a Data Explorer front end so that you can view the data in the backend.

Exercise - Read the Documentation

The Simple API has:

  • An About Page
    • There is an ISBN generator here which might help when creating requests in the API to create and amend items
  • Documentation

Exercise - try the Open API files in a Swagger UI

  • Any Swagger UI can be used to load in the Open API files e.g.
  • Open the PetStore Swagger UI
  • Paste into the url [Explore] field either of the Simple API OpenAPI Urls
    • Normal
    • Permissive
  • Try each of the API files and see what difference they make to your testing e.g. the Permissive files does not have validation on the input parameters so you can explore more conditions.
    • OpenAPI files are designed for usage, not for testing, you should not rely on a Swagger UI for testing purposes.

Exercise - Explore the /items endpoint

  • The main endpoints /items will list all of the items in the system and allow creation of a new item
  • Explore these with GET, OPTIONS, HEAD
  • Try to create an item using POST on /items
    • if you don't know the format of the payload then copy one of hte item objects listed in the response of GET /items
    • you should not include an id in the POST request
    • the isbn field will need to be unique, you can generate a random isbn on this page or the About page

Exercise - Explore the /items/{id} endpoint

  • The individual endpoint /item/{id} will allow you to work with a single item using its id
  • Try to amend an item with POST on /items/{id} for an item that exists
  • Try to amend an item with PUT on /items/{id} for an item that exists
  • Try to delete an item with DELETE on /items/{id} for an item that exists
  • Check that the API responds with 404 when the item id does not exist

Exercise - Explore the endpoints with all verbs

  • CRUD operations are based around the GET, PUT, POST and DELETE verbs
  • Make sure you call the endpoints with other HTTP verbs e.g. PATCH and TRACE

Exercise - Explore the /items/{id} field validations

  • When you create or amend an item, check that the system enforces the validations for the fields listed in the documentation and the Open API spec
    • The ISBN must be unique in the system
    • The ISBN must match a specific format, try the different variations of the format
      • e.g. 384252925993-2, 618-3051270614, 9114-91-557340-1, 2799488037490
      • find more matching variations than the examples above
      • an easy only tool for generating values from Regex can be found here
    • Check the field validations of the other fields as well

Exercise - Explore the system data population validations

  • The documentation says that there can be only 100 items, is that true?
  • What is the minimum number of items that can be in the system? Can it be brought down to 0, 1, 2, 3, ...?

Exercise - Explore the random ISBN endpoint

  • There is an endpoint for generating random ISBNs GET /simpleapi/randomisbn
  • Does it work they way you would expect?

Exercise - Explore the accept header

  • The Simple API supports both JSON and XML
  • You should be able to request XML as the response payload by using an accept header with the value application/xml
  • Do all endpoints and calls support this?

Exercise - Explore the content-type header

  • The Simple API supports both JSON and XML
  • You should be able to send request payloads as XML by using a content-type header with the value application/xml
  • Do all endpoints and calls support this?
  • Do you think you could mix and match content-type and accept so that you can send JSON and receive XML?
  • Could you send XML and receive JSON?